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Augmented Reality!

Augmented reality allows us to feel and live the physical environment in the real world, alive, dynamically, and in real time, with sensory inputs generated by computers. we can think of augmented reality as a direct or indirect view of a new perception environment. With augmented reality, the inputs that will appeal to the human sense and activate their feelings are modified and enriched by the computer and the new reality that emerges is presented to the perception of the user.

Uploading virtual and 3D digital objects (text, pictures, sound, animation, etc.) onto a real world image is called Augmented Reality.

Augmented reality allows users to add images of the virtual world at the same time as the real world view and to view both on the screen at the same time. Along with technological developments, augmented reality applications started to be used in many fields such as education, military, sports, health, advertising and marketing.

Also It has been used intensively in Industrial Design today. Augmented Reality will be one of the leading technologies in the construction of smart homes, cars and even factories of the future. Augmented Reality will be completely embedded in our lives within a few years. For example, in factories and workplaces, it will be enough for technicians to pass the machines with their tablet computers while checking the equipment.

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